Wishing our Members a very Happy Christmas & New year
Championship Show 2023
Many thanks to our Judge Leo Pogodzinski, Steward Mary Fish, show photographer Frankie Watts and of course all the exhibitors and helpers for making it a great day
PD 1e 1st Priestleys Marksbury Railside of Quikotic Res BP
JD 1e 1st Dixons Badgershill Broke all the rules (IKC)
ND 1e 1st Davis Maplemead Marquis
PG 0e LD 1e 1ab OD 0e
VD 1e 1st Priestleys Ch Railside Pluto at Quikotic Res DCC
WTD 1e 1st Penningtons Moorlander Guy Laroche DCC
ChD 1e 1st Priestleys Maplemead Malazar of Quikotic
PB0e JB 2e 1st Howie/Emrys-jones/Avery/Miller Marksbury Regina at Milvery res BCC BP, 2nd Alfords Maplemead Mable
NB 2e 1ab 1st Davis’ Maplemead Marguerite
PGB 3e 1ab 1st Watts Maplemead Miss Melba
2nd Watsons Kenynten Cinnaon Whisky
LB 1e 1st Clarks Boru’s Element od Surprise at Farlap (imp can) BCC
OB 1e 1st Clark/Hayden Ch Farlap Qui Martha
VB 0e WTB 1e 1ab ChB 0e
Brace 1st Priestleys 2nd Davis’
Junior handling - Skye Dutton with Carlos